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Adam Blankenbicker

Geology Educator

National Museum of Natural History

Smithsonian Institution


Adam Blankenbicker has been the Geology Educator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural history since 2012.  During his time at NMNH he has developed several self-guided and volunteer-led experiences, a geology school program and contributed to the development of many other programs at the museum.  He has also trained a core of Geology volunteers and worked on temporary exhibits with a geology focus.  Additionally, Adam acts as the Education & Outreach liaison with the Department of Mineral Sciences, coordinating scientist-outreach programs and contributing to broader impact statements for research proposals.

Adam has a M.S. in Geology, from Michigan Technological University, and has been working in informal education since 2006, when he taught environmental education in the Peace Corps, Guatemala.  Prior to coming to NMNH, he worked as an educator at the Boston Museum of Science, developing and presenting live science shows, facilitated cart programming, and forums for the public to learn about, and discuss, how science and technology helps us make decisions.

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