The SSEATs Academies provide teachers with an opportunity to take part in a week-long professional development course behind-the-scenes at Smithsonian museums and other world class research facilities throughout the greater Washington, DC area. The academies help to bridge the gap between the formal science education programs of the SSEC and the informal science education that exists throughout the Smithsonian, and combine training in science pedagogy with content presented by scientists and researchers who are experts in their fields.
This year, the Energy’s Innovations and Implications Academy will explore the history of energy development and use in the United States, current energy needs, and alternative energy sources for the future. Topics will include fossil fuels, solar power, wind power, nuclear energy, and alternative energy sources. K-12 teachers will have opportunities to explore the history of Energy as well as learn from experts in the field of energy development who are carrying out research in the greater Washington, DC area. Teachers will develop skills and knowledge to bring back to their students and classrooms.
Check Out Our Blog
Exploring New Energy Resources through SSEATS
Teacher Academies: Incandescent Light Bulbs, Tesla, and Fuel Cells, Oh My!
Hydraulic Crabs and Energy Bikes: SSEATS Transform the Classroom
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